About Relational Ethics in Therapy

Talk about self-centered! We therapists pay endless attention to our own professional ethics and have almost entirely ignored the ethical lives of our clients. But this is understandable: our ancestral origins in Freud set the template that morality lies outside of the zone of psychotherapy. This despite the fact that ethical dilemmas are core parts of human life: to divorce or stay married, to have an affair or not, to keep a family secret, to cut off a toxic family member, and the endless loyalty binds of stepfamily life. The list is endless.

Because we humans are social animals, we are moral animals wondering what we owe others versus what we owe ourselves--except when we talk to our therapist who is likely to steer the conversation to more familiar territory of psychological needs and interpersonal dynamics. All good stuff, of course, but stripped bare of the ethical language that is core to human sensibilities.

Here’s the thing: we are ethical consultants to our clients whether we know it or not. It’s impossible not to influence clients who are facing an ethical dilemma—by the questions we ask, the feelings we validate, and the perspectives we share.

Bill Doherty, Ph.D.

 Bill Doherty has spent half a career working out how to do ethical consultation consciously and well, respecting client autonomy while being mindful of how clients struggle with the consequences of their actions for the welfare of others in their lives. He now wants to share what he knows with other therapists in a systematic way, not just with a book and an occasional workshop.

So, hop on board with us and take the free online, in-depth course on ethical consultation in therapy. Help shape the course by sharing your stories, successes, and challenges. You will listen to your clients’ life experiences in a different way, and you will enrich what you offer them.

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Everything is 100% free except for Bill’s American Psychological Association book, whose royalties are returned to supporting this foundation. And we have an amazing community waiting to help expand the field’s capacity to support clients. We need YOU! Your voice, your expertise and your clinical stories.
